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Sustainable Design

Number TEN is committed to a sustainable design practice. We believe that it is our responsibility to design projects that are equally beautiful, well built, easy to use and kind to the environment. Our integrated design approach addresses the inter-relationship between environmental responsibility, resource efficiency, staff comfort, community development and the economics of building construction and operation. It requires our architects, interior designers and consultants to make choices based on efficiency of systems, local proximity of materials and services, minimal waste production, life-cycle economics and overall community well-being.

Number TEN’s sustainable approach to design results in lower life-cycle costs, improved indoor air quality, reduced environmental footprint, and public appreciation for good corporate citizenship. These factors increase asset value and contribute to our clients’ bottom-line. Using an integrated project delivery process, our experience has shown that it is possible to address high-performance cost barriers and deliver green projects for very little, if any, additional capital cost.